let your voice be heard

Public policies have a tremendous impact

Public policies at the national, state, and local levels have a tremendous impact on the infrastructure needed to deliver quality programs for all Idahoans.

The work to gain access to proper funding to create not just physical infrastructure, but compensation for the services provided by our community's non-profit ecosystem, is vitally important and it starts with you.

Vocal advocates are an important part of brining critical issues in our community to the attention of our elected and appointed decision-makers. You can play a role by sharing your support for programs that strengthen individuals, families, and communities.

get involved

The time in NOW. Now is our opportunity to unite together and fight for a MORE EQUITABLE FUTURE. To elevate our voices, kick down old barriers and open new doorways. We need to STAND UP for those who have been overlooked for too long. Our community is mighty. And this is our TIME TO PROVE IT.


If you are passionate about Health, Education and Financial Stability, make sure to register to vote and note upcoming election dates. You can also reach out to the Idaho Legislature and let them know you care about Health, Education, and Financial Stability for all Idahoans.

Your Idaho Voting Guide

Helping people become active, engaged and empowered members of their communities is critical to creating strong, healthy, and equitable and resilient communities. Elevating your voice is fundamental to solving complex social and community problems. Voting is our collective opportunity to express ourselves as a community, as voters, and as Americans.

Click here to see Idaho Voting and Elections Information

Click here to find out who your legislators are