Your investment in United Way Matters


…and supports agencies that are continuing to stabilize working families and provide basic needs to at risk community members. Last year your contribution helped over 26,000 households stay in their homes, feed their families, keep their lights on, and more.

This year we are inviting YOU to #TeamupforTomorrow by rolling up your sleeves and work together to raise resources and build relationships that power the dollars that are allocated to local agencies in the spring. Last year that total was over $420k!

Together we build the foundations of Health, Education, and Financial Stability in our community; making Eastern Idaho a stronger, more equitable place to live.  Your investment changes lives. Thank you for joining us in reaching for big goals in 2025!

Ways to give

There are 4 main ways people give to United Way communities

personal Donation

Click the button below to help families in need. 100% of all donations stay local and go towards our services.

Workplace Philanthropy

Showcase your commitment to social responsibility, boosting employee morale and engagement.

Planned Giving

Planned giving to the United Way of Southeastern Idaho creates a legacy of support that aligns with your values and leaves a positive impact for generations to come.


Your time and effort, even just a few hours, can make a significant difference to local individuals and families in need.

Planned Giving

What is Planned Giving?

At its core, giving is an act of compassion, an expression of our desire to create positive change in the world around us. While spontaneous donations are wonderful, planned giving takes this concept to a whole new level. It's about envisioning a future where our support continues to thrive long after we're gone, where our values and aspirations endure, and where our commitment to a better world remains steadfast.

Planned giving to the United Way of Southeastern Idaho creates a legacy of support that aligns with your values and leaves a positive impact for generations to come.

Benefits of Planned Giving

Taking the First Steps

1. Explore Your Passions

Reflect on the causes that resonate deeply with you and align with your values.

2. Educate Yourself

Learn about the United Way of Southeastern Idaho’s initiatives, impact, and financial health to ensure your support is well-placed.

3. Seek Professional Advice

Consult financial advisors and legal experts to determine the best planned giving strategies for your unique circumstances.

4. Engage with the United Way

Reach out to the United Way of Southeastern Idaho’s Leadership team to discuss options, benefits, and the profound impact of your contribution.

5. Craft Your Legacy

Work with professionals to create a comprehensive plan that outlines your chosen approach and desired impact.

Planned giving is more than a financial transaction

—It's a legacy we create, a statement of our values, and a way to ensure that the causes we hold dear continue to flourish.

By choosing to support the United Way of Southeastern Idaho through planned giving, we embark on a journey of profound impact, leaving footprints of positive change that will echo through time. As you consider the power of planned giving and the remarkable difference it can make in our community and beyond, please reach out to our CEO, so that we may have the privilege of exploring together how your support can make a meaningful difference in our shared mission.

Teaming up for Health

Teaming up for Education

Teaming up for Financial Stability