We are so proud to introduce our new United Way of Southeastern Idaho fundraising campaign Teaming up for Tomorrow 2022-25 to the community.

At United Way of Southeastern Idaho, we serve community members who are working and who earn too much to qualify for federal resources, but do not earn enough to make ends meet. That’s 44 percent of us in Southeast Idaho. And these families are at the center of everything that we do.

At United Way, we team up with community leaders to develop innovative, community-led solutions to fill in the gaps for families who aren’t making ends meet. And we raise funds to invest in the trusted nonprofits on the ground providing crucial services to those in need.

What are some of United Way’s community-led solutions from the past year? I’m so glad you asked.
  • We helped launch, a first-in-the-state online directory of free community resources searchable by zip code.
  • We surpassed our goals for preschool scholarships seats offered to American Falls children and watched as their kindergarten readiness scores skyrocketed above the state average.
  • We conducted surveys and focus groups and did the research to create a community action plan designed to address barriers to health in our region.
Shoulder to shoulder, we are creating a more equitable future for our community. And we need your help to keep on this path forward.

We know change doesn’t happen alone. And the truth is, we need you. Invest in your community today through United Way.

Will you team up with us for Southeastern Idaho?